The Thule Hullavator Pro gas-assisted lift kayak carrier

Thule Hullavator Pro makes loading a kayak onto your vehicle's roof effortless

For kayaking enthusiasts, the thrill of paddling through serene waters and exploring uncharted territories is unparalleled. However, the logistics of transporting a kayak can often be a daunting task. Enter the Thule Hullavator Pro, a revolutionary kayak lift system designed to make loading and unloading your kayak a breeze. In this blog, we'll delve into what makes the Thule Hullavator Pro a game-changer for kayakers of all levels.

What is the Thule Hullavator Pro?

The Thule Hullavator Pro is an innovative kayak carrier that mounts to your vehicle's roof rack bars. What sets it apart from traditional kayak carriers is its unique gas-assisted lift system, which allows, in most cases, to load and unload your kayak from an average waist height, then effortlessly push it up onto the roof of your car. This not only saves you from any physical strain but also makes the process significantly safer and more convenient.

Thule 898 Hullavator Pro kayak carrier   Thule 898 Hullavator Pro kayak carrier in lowered position

Key Features and Benefits

Lift-assist technology - The Hullavator Pro features gas struts that provide up to 18 kilograms of lifting assistance, which means you can lift and lower your kayak with minimal effort. This is especially beneficial for those who may struggle with lifting heavy objects or have physical limitations.

Easy loading and unloading - With the Hullavator Pro, you can load and unload your kayak at waist height, reducing the risk of injury and making the process much more manageable. The cradle arms lower up to 40 inches down the side of your vehicle, bringing the kayak closer to you.

Secure and stable - The Hullavator Pro ensures your kayak is securely fastened with its padded, corrosion-resistant cradles. These cradles provide excellent grip and protection, preventing any scratches or damage to your kayak during transport.

Roof bar compatibility - Designed to fit Thule Evo ProBar systems, the Hullavator Pro is compatible with a wide range of vehicles. Thule Evo ProBars are a versatile addition to any vehicle setup dedicated to adventure sports. To make sure that there is sufficient clearance between the lowered kayak cradles and the side of the vehicle we highly recommend using a pair of Thule Evo ProBars in a size wider than usual. The wider bars also enables two Hullavator Pros to be mounted on the same vehicle and once fully fitted the Evo ProBars can be reduced in size to make a fully cusomised fit.

Two Thule Hullavator Pro kayak carriers fitted side by side    Thule Hullavator Pro kayak carrier with cradle lowered

Two Thule Hullavator Pro kayak carriers fitted side-by-side on a Mercedes GLE with roof rails using 150 cm Thule Evo ProBars and Thule 710410 Raised Rail foot pack

Do you need a pair of roof bars?  Click here to view our special Thule Roof Bar Packages 

Durability and weather resistance - Constructed from high-quality, corrosion-resistant materials, the Hullavator Pro is built to withstand the elements. Whether you're kayaking in saltwater environments or facing harsh weather conditions, you can trust the Hullavator Pro to hold up over time.

Installation and usage

Setting up the Thule Hullavator Pro is straightforward, though it may require some initial adjustments to ensure a perfect fit. The system comes with clear instructions and provides excellent customer support if you encounter any issues. It's recommended to have a second person assist you during the installation to make the process smoother.

Using the Hullavator Pro

Loading - Start by lowering the cradles to waist height. Place your kayak on the cradles, secure it using the provided straps, and ensure it's centered and balanced.

Lifting - With the kayak secured, engage the lift-assist struts to raise the kayak to roof height. The gas struts will do most of the work, making it easy to lift even heavier kayaks.

Transport - Once the kayak is in place, double-check all the fastenings to ensure everything is secure. You're now ready to hit the road!

  view the Thule 898 Hullavator kayak carrier video on YouTube

Thule Hullavator Pro kayak carrier   Thule Hullavator Pro kayak carrier

Why choose the Thule Hullavator Pro?

The Thule Hullavator Pro stands out for its user-friendly design and the convenience it brings to kayak transport. Here are a few reasons why it's a worthwhile investment -

Enhanced safety - Reducing the need to lift heavy kayaks above your head minimizes the risk of injury.

Time-saving - Loading and unloading become quicker and less cumbersome, allowing you to spend more time on the water.

Accessibility - Ideal for kayakers of all ages and physical abilities, ensuring everyone can enjoy the sport without logistical hassles.

Customer Reviews and Feedback

The Hullavator Pro has regularly received rave reviews from the kayaking community. Users consistently highlight its ease of use, robust construction, and the significant reduction in physical effort required. Many customers also appreciate the peace of mind it brings, knowing their kayak is securely transported.

Thule Hullavator Pro kayak carrier with cradle lowered

Final thoughts

The Thule Hullavator Pro is so much more than just a simple kayak carrier; it's a tool that enhances your overall kayaking experience. By simplifying the process of loading and unloading your kayak, it allows you to focus on what you love most - exploring the waters and enjoying the great outdoors. Whether you're a seasoned kayaker or new to the sport, the Hullavator is a valuable addition to your gear, promising convenience, safety, and reliability.

▶︎  View the Thule 898 Hullavator Pro on

Thule 898000 Hullavator Pro in use